Denver Highlanders RFC Summer 7s

Date: Wednesday June 15th-July 20th
Time: Wednesdays 6:00 PM-8:30PM
Location: Bible Park
Registration fees per team:
Men’s Club $300.00
College $250.00
High School $150.00
Registration is limited to the first 8 boy's high school teams and the first 8 Men's Club/College Teams.
- Registration includes water, gatorade, referees, trainers, and two to four full pitch games per session.
- Individuals not on a team are invited to register for the event for $30.00 and will be placed in an at large pool to be used for team shortages. Individual Registration Participants will not be guaranteed any games, but we will do our best to find them some playing time.
Format: Random selection round robin games each week with the last week culminating in a double-elimination championship tournament.
- All participants are to be Registered (CIPPD) with USA Rugby.
- Participants are not required to play for a certain team as long as they are CIPPD.
- High school participants are eligible if they are CIPPD and if they were eligible to play during the 2015 high school season even if they have graduated from high school, provided that they will not be 19 years old by August 1, 2015. Copies of the Registration and Emergency Contact form and Consent for Treatment form must be provided for each high school participant by June 1, 2015.
- Teams may enter a second team only after the Registration Deadline has passed and only if an extra team(s) is needed to fill the 8 team requirement in each division. Remember that the Men’s Club/Men’s College division will consist of any combination of Men’s Clubs and or College teams up to 8 total combined.
- Teams will be allowed an unlimited number of players. During round robin play (Weeks 1-5) both high school and Men’s/College teams can substitute as often as they wish. Substitutions, although unlimited, will be allowed at the signal of the referee only. In the event of a tie at the end of regulation during the round robin phase, the match will end in a draw.
- During the double-elimination championship tournament (Week 6), IRB 7S substition rules will be enforced for high school and Men's/College teams. Each team will be allowed 12 eligible players per match which can consist of any eligible participants. However, an eligible participant may only play for one team during the championship tournament. At large players must declare a team prior to the beginning of the championship tournament. Teams will also be allowed 5 substitutions per game. In the event of a tie at the end of regulation, there will be an immediate 5 minute sudden victory period preceded by a coin toss to determine who kicks which direction. The first team to score during this period will be declared the winner.
Seeding for the championship tournament will occur during the round robin phase. Each team will be awarded 2 points for a win, 1 point for a tie, and 0 points for a loss. In the event of a tie, total tries scored will determine the seeding. If the tries scored are even, then a captain’s coin flip will determine the seeding.
Team rosters are to be submitted by Monday of the week of play. If a team is short players on game day, they may choose a player from the at large pool prior to the beginning of their match for round robin play only. Those teams unable to fill a full squad during the championship tournament may use any player(s) they have listed from the at large pool as long as those players were listed prior to the beginning of the championship tournament.
Registration Deadline:
Registration fees are due by May 15, 2015. Teams will be registered on a first come/first serve basis. Email confirmation of a desire to play in the tournament must be followed up by payment in full before the registration deadline. Payment in full is the only way to assure your team's spot.
Any questions or comments? Contact Dan at vicepresident@denverhighlandersrfc.com.